Monday, June 22, 2015

Guns are better...than no guns

Prefer Gun Ownership Over Gun Control - Defend and Carry

Apr 27, 2015

Americans More Supportive of Protecting Gun Rights

via  ANDREW KOHUT at Pew Research

For most of the 1990s and the subsequent decade, a substantial majority of Americans believed it was more important to control gun ownership than to protect gun owners’ rights. But in December 2014, the balance of opinion flipped: For the first time, more Americans say that protecting gun rights is more important than controlling gun ownership, 52% to 46%.

The numbers are clear: protecting gun rights is more important than controlling the ownership of guns to the American people.

Some major media moguls may not report on this credible data for democratic reasons, but the Pew Research Center proves that the majority of American citizens not only want to protect our Second Amendment right to bear arms-they also feel that a gun makes a household safer.

It’s nice to see numbers prove this fact once and for all.

The article also proves that the public is wildly misinformed on the amount of crime committed within our country, which correlates directly to their stance on gun control.

This comes as a product of violence-packed news coverage and inaccurate political hyperbole.

As the public becomes more worried of the encroaching of crime, the more they support the loosening of gun control.

Owning a gun and using it as a protective measure has become more popular within recent years, and for good reason.

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