Sunday, July 31, 2016

You don't have to be a Navy keep yourself safe!

I don’t believe you need to become a Navy SEAL just to keep yourself safe!

There, I’ve said it. And you can bet there are a lot of people in the defensive training business who are mad at me for saying so!

If you’re like most people I know, you and your family simply want to lead a happy and safe life. You want to take some responsibility for your own safety because you know that even the best, most conscientious police officers can’t be stationed outside your door or follow you around all day.

At the same time you also have to live and work in the real world, where looking and acting out of place isn’t just unacceptable, it might actually bring you unwanted attention.

The problem, as you may have discovered, is that the defensive training  industry often approaches self defense by assuming everyone can dress and act like a soldier. It’s hard to find defensive training information that deals with the “real world” — like how to carry a self-protection firearm in a professional environment, how to use it effectively inside an office or a church, or even how to conceal it and still remain fashionable enough that no one notices!

That’s where I can help! Despite my training and background in this business, I’m not some tactical ninja; I’m a regular person, just like you. I take my training about how to prepare and defend myself and adapt it to real life, so that I can keep myself safe and still fit in with the rest of polite society. I don’t dress like an extra in a police drama because I’ve learned how to carry the defensive tools I need while not sticking out like a sore thumb.

More importantly, I can teach you how to carry, use and practice with the tools you’re actually going to have should you need to defend yourself tomorrow! I can also help you to develop the skills you really need as a private citizen in a self defense situation, as opposed to those of a police officer or a soldier. The skills you need are different than what they need!

How do you get this critical personal security information and develop those important self defense skills? With the resources on this site! In fact, this site is dedicated to helping make you and your family more prepared, more resilient, and more able to deal with life-altering events.

First, read my blogs; there are two basic categories, which you can see in the main menu at the top of the page: the first, Personal Safety and Training, has the information you want about how to stay safe, about the skills you need to develop, and all kinds of fact and informed opinion on the world of personal defense.

The other  “side” of the blog deals with Firearms & Technical information; that’s where you’ll find specific details on guns, ammunition, the firearms industry, and more — all written by an “industry insider”!

That’s not all, though! Check out the more detailed information available in my Information Store: books, DVDs, and videos about leading a more secure and self-reliant lifestyle. I’m adding things to the store as fast as I can, so check back frequently and see what’s new!

The Store doesn’t contain just my works, either — I also have quality material from other experts in the field, material that I’ve found useful and can recommend to you with a clear conscience.

Finally, check out my Take a Class pages; you can learn a lot from books and videos, but ultimately  there’s no substitute for getting expert, hands-on lessons to help you quickly and reliably develop the skills you’ll likely need in the event of a threat to your life. I teach classes at various locations around the country, and you can check the Calendar to find out just when and where.

Your journey to living a safer, more secure life begins with being armed: with knowledge, skills, and the appropriate tools. Buying a gun won’t necessarily keep you safe — but knowing when, why and how to use a firearm in defense of yourself and your loved ones can go a long way to making sure that you’re never a victim. You can learn all of that right here, but it’s up to you to take that first step!

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