Colorado Springs Woman Survives Home Invasion Thanks To Her Gun
Colorado Springs Woman Survives Home Invasion Thanks To Her Gun[caption id="attachment_15638" align="aligncenter" width="560"]

That was his next to last mistake.
"She said she just heard some crashing, and got up and saw that this guy was climbing through her window," said homeowner Linda Orist of her tenant. Orist said her tenant was upset and shaken up but was relived she was OK. "She was upset that she had to kill someone to protect herself," said Orist. Orist said the man initially tried to get in through the back door. When he was unsuccessful, Orist said he broke a window with a brick and tried to climb in. "She warned him that she had a gun and to go away but he, I don't know, for whatever reason, he kept coming, and she shot a warning shot into the wall and he kept coming so she had to shoot him twice," said Orist.There was absolutely no reason at all that the renter needed to fire a warning shot, and as we've noted repeatedly, warning shots are a horrible idea and are generally illegal (as a practical matter, you are either justified in using deadly force against an attacker or you are not; a warning shot is therefore often successfully prosecuted by anti-gun district attorneys as assault with a deadly weapon). Nonetheless, the home invader did keep coming after the warning shot, until the renter fired two more shots which finally persuaded him to attempt to flee. Police responding to the 911 call found the man outside the home, and he was reported dead at the hospital. The lawyer questioned for the story said that the renter might attempt to justify her case with the state's so-called "make my day" law, which is a large steaming pile of bovine excrement.
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