'How dare these law abiding citizens defend themselves!' - Gun control nuts
Detroit Police Chief says private gun ownership is lowering crime rates.

Back in March, we told you about Detroit Police Chief James Craig. Craig made waves by suggesting that “empowered,” law-abiding gun owners were the key to slowing his city’s astronomical crime rate.
Back then, Craig said:
“People who are faced with a dangerous situation are taking matters into their own hands. We’re not advocating violence; we’re advocates of not being victims. We’re advocates of self-protection. We want people to be safe.
“This should be a message to those who continue to perpetuate violence on Detroiters that enough is enough. You’ve got to be concerned about good Detroiters who aren’t going to stand for it. Detroiters are fed up and they are taking action.”
Now, Craig is back in the news. This time he’s claiming that private gun ownership has, in fact, led to lower crime rates in Detroit.
“Detroit has experienced 37 percent fewer robberies in 2014 than during the same period last year, 22 percent fewer break-ins of businesses and homes, and 30 percent fewer carjackings.
...Criminals are getting the message that good Detroiters are armed and will use that weapon. I don’t want to take away from the good work our investigators are doing, but I think part of the drop in crime, and robberies in particular, is because criminals are thinking twice that citizens could be armed.
I can’t say what specific percentage is caused by this, but there’s no question in my mind it has had an effect.”
Detroit’s crime rate is still disastrously high, but it is dropping. Of course, don’t waste your breath telling any of this to the anti-2nd Amendment nutjobs. They’re still running around, yapping about how gun control works.
“Our position is, more guns equals more crime,” Horwitz said “These are complicated issues, but the empirical evidence shows the states with the lowest gun ownership and the tightest restrictions have the fewest instances of gun violence.”
That must be why things are going so well in Chicago, where they have very strict gun laws, and “only” 82 shootings with 14 fatalities over the 4th of July weekend. Clearly, tighter regulation is keeping everyone safe in the Windy City.
Let’s have a round of applause for Detroit’s Police Chief. He’s figured out what every law-abiding gun owner has known for decades. It’s better to be able to defend yourself than to sit around waiting to be a victim. If criminals know that they could be heading into a hornet’s nest, they may just reconsider their plans.
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